Remya Panicker has become the favorite star of Malayalees with Omar’s ‘Chunks’ movie. Omar Lulu is the director who brings more young men and women to the silver screen in Malayalam cinema. Omar Lulu is more than just a film director, he can be described as a new generation filmmaker. Through Omar’s films, many new stars have emerged in the world of Malayalam cinema. Priya Warrier, Noorin Sharif, Arun Kumar, and many other young stars made waves all over India due to a short song scene.
In Chunk’s movie, Remya Panicker very well played the role of the students’ own Jolly miss. Remya’s Jolly miss is still a popular character in the minds of the youth and film lovers in Kerala. ‘Ore Mukham’ stars Dhyan Srinivasan, Aju Varghese, Maniyan Pillai Raju, Prayaga Martin, and Abhirami in the lead roles. Remya started her film debut in this movie. In the movie, she played the role of Prayaga Martin’s friend.
She also acted in Hadia, Happy Holiday, and Tiyan. Tiyan is a film starring Prithviraj, Indrajith, and Murali Gopi. Remya’s photoshoot video is going viral on social media among Malayalees now. The actress has arrived in front of the fans in a hot and glamorous outfit. Watch the video now…